Gravestones: A Reflection on American Lifestyles
The link above brings you to my gravestone study. In 1990, I completed my undergraduate Senior Thesis about the
history of colonial gravestone art in New England. I spent the preceding
year traveling around Massachusetts and New Hampshire by train to view various
graveyards, take pictures of them, and study the images on the stones.
My project culminated in a trip to Caltech University to present my paper at
an undergraduate research conference. To this day, I still dabble in
gravestone research and enjoy exploring cemeteries and viewing their
gravestone art with my husband.
Recommended Readings
Theodore Chase and Laurel Gabel. Eighteenth-Century New England Carvers and
Their Work. (Boston: New England
Historic Genealogical Society), 1990.
Ludwig, Allen I. Graven Images: New England Stonecarving and Its Symbols,
1650-1815. Wesleyan University Press, 1999. (3rd edition)
Recommended Links:
The Association
for Gravestone Studies Online
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Last Updated: 25 March, 2002